U.S. Stoner Rockers THAL teamed-up with DOOMED AND STONED to stream their upcoming new album in full.
“Reach for The Dragon’s Eye” exclusive premiere is available here.
THAL (The Heathens Are Loose) is a collaboration between John “Vince Green” Walker and Kevin Hartnell, and confronts the ugliness of daily life with a dose of pessimism processed through an esoteric filter. Stories of despair put to one hell of a riff.
“The new record has THAL continuing to kick major, major behind, but with a renewed sense of purpose and resolve. It’s as if DOWN and KYUSS had met for a handshake and bumped into ACID BATH.” Doomed and Stoned says.
The album streaming comes along with an exclusive interview to the band as well as a track by track description.
THAL “Reach for the Dragon’s Eye” will be released by Argonauta Records and available from February 16th, 2018. Orders run here: http://bit.ly/2EYEzcY